YouTube Europe 2021. Profile of accounts in Russian. Registered to private European IPs.

YouTube Europe 2021. Profile of accounts in Russian.
Registered to private European IPs. Confirmed by text message. Phone number has been removed from the profile. The accounts were active. Created YouTube channel
Format of accounts - YouTube:login:password:additional mail:password additional mail.
Attention. When logging into accounts you may need SMS confirmation by phone. If there has been no activity on your account for several months, Google may ask for SMS confirmation when you log in for the first time after a long period of inactivity. Therefore, to log in and further work with accounts, if Google asks for SMS confirmation when logging in, you need to perform SMS activation. Claims in this regard will not be accepted.

We recommend using private IPV4 or IPV6 proxies. Before logging in, go to and check dns. If dns is unknown, you cannot use such ip.
After a long period of inactivity, Google may request SMS confirmation. Therefore, to log in and further work with your accounts, if google asks for sms confirmation when you log in, you need to perform sms activation. One phone number - 1 account, provided that this phone number has not been used in google services for a long time.
It is strongly recommended to follow the recommendations especially if you use mobile devices.

Accounts cannot be replaced or refunded if you are unable to log in and receive a message like this after authorization or attempted authorization - "Unable to log in to account. We were unable to verify that this account belongs to you. Try again later or try to restore your Google account." Older google accounts are getting harder to work with and you need to understand all the risks, problems when logging into them.

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