Telegram account in TDATA format. Not used in any way (not spammed, etc.). Therefore perfect for spamming


Registered to +62 numbers

To use the account, download the official client Portable version and place the tdata folder in the folder with the Telegram client 

 - Use in software TGHero, OneDash and so on - at your own risk. There are no substitutes for using accounts in software. Use accounts skillfully!

- In order for an account to live a long time, be sure to enter it using a proxy Indonesia

 - when you purchased the account, and he at the time of sale in the ban
 - session on it ended. (lost authorization)
The reason that the account is little spammed, invaitil and so on - NOT a reason for replacement

All accounts are carefully checked before pouring, so:
 - replacement of accounts, only in the presence of video materials confirming that the account was not valid BEFORE you entered it

P.S I recommend buying a couple of accounts for the test and then buy more.

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